About Me

Hi! I'm Gina! I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you about a few things about me! One thing that kind of defines me is that I LOVE love, in all of its forms. I see hearts everywhere! Valentine's Day is my favorite day of the year! And I named my studio Sweet Love Studios because of just how much I LOVE love. I am the (very) proud mama of three beautiful, amazing children, who also happen to be my best friends, and I LOVE being their mom more than anything in the world!! I also have the sweetest boyfriend who I love SO much! He and my three kids are my number one supporters. The four of them make me feel like I can do ANYTHING! I love them all endlessly!

My other LOVE is photography... specifically showing my clients how beautiful (and handsome) they are through my photography, so they can see it for themselves! There is something so magical about actually seeing yourself as the work of art that you are! It is my absolute honor to help my clients realize how beautiful and worthy they really are, and for them to feel happy, loved and confident through my photography. I love turning moments and people and real life into art.

I think my strength as a photographer is to be able capture the most natural, authentic, best version of you, and to make the whole process fun and easy. After we get those beautiful portraits, I think my favorite part of all is creating tangible physical products that allow you to really SEE how incredible you are EVERY time you look at them! Something amazing happens when you and your loved ones see y0urselves on the walls of your home, or in a beautiful album on your coffee table. There is a sense of pride, of confidence, of realizing your own beauty and worth, of being loved. When you and your family see yourselves proudly displayed in your home, you will feel that love and joy... every single day. And it is truly such an amazing thing for me to be a part of.

If you haven't guessed it already, I love doing what I do... I really am so lucky that I get to do what I love as my job!! I can't wait to work with you, and to show you how amazing you really are!

There's no better time than now! Let me show you how amazing you are! Let's decorate your home with LOVE... Let's make some art... of YOU!

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